Alimony Lawyers in Pittsburgh
Our Family Law Firm Is Here to Fight for Your Rights!
Divorce can put a financial strain on anybody, making alimony a real necessity. Even so, many individuals struggle to obtain the financial assistance they need after divorce due to legal complications. If you are hoping to obtain alimony but feel unequipped to navigate the court system on your own, you have come to the right place.
The Rosen Family Law Group has concentrated solely on family law matters since 1999. Because of this, our Pittsburgh divorce lawyers are highly adept at handling alimony issues and defending the rights of our clients. We understand the stresses involved in divorce cases and can be trusted with the unique concerns you are facing.
How Do the Courts Calculate Alimony?
Alimony may be granted to either party in a Pennsylvania divorce, if it is deemed reasonable and necessary by the court. Generally, alimony is not awarded on a permanent basis. Instead of specific guidelines, courts in Pennsylvania consider a number of different factors when deciding if alimony is necessary after a divorce has occurred.
The factors they consider include:
- The length of the marriage
- The age and health of both parties
- The marital sources of income
- The earning capacity of both parties
- Whether any minor children are involved
- The assets of both parties
It is important to distinguish “alimony” from “alimony pendente lite” or “spousal support”. Alimony is support for after a divorce is final. Both spousal support and alimony pendente lite are for the support of a spouse prior to getting divorced. Moreover, the amount and duration of alimony is determined completely differently from spousal support or alimony pendente lite.
Maximizing (or minimizing) a claim for alimony depends on several factors, including a proper budget. In general, alimony will not be awarded beyond the reasonable needs of a spouse. Those needs are determined by a specialized alimony “budget”. A good attorney knows how to create a good budget – one that is both reasonable and that covers all contingencies.
There is also a real connection between alimony and equitable distribution. Alimony is supposed to be a “secondary” remedy, but how that plays out depends on the Judge and the circumstances of the case. Also, there is an informal but very real connection between the percentage and amount of equitable distribution and the duration and amount of alimony. In general, a “skewed” equitable distribution will undercut an alimony claim. But this is a complex and highly specific process with no clear guidelines. An experienced and skilled attorney can help maximize (or minimize) the economic result by balancing alimony and equitable distribution. So, you will want an attorney who understands both the judges and how the e.d./alimony connection plays out.
. In certain circumstances, such as when a major life change has occurred, alimony may be modifiable. The modifiability of alimony depends largely on whether it was ordered by agreement of the parties or through judicial decision. Modifiability also depends on the language of the settlement agreement or consent order. An expert attorney knows how to make alimony modifiable (or not), depending on your circumstances. . To learn more, check out our Alimony FAQ.
Trusted Legal Assistance from a Pittsburgh Divorce Attorneys
Determining alimony can be a difficult step to undertake alone. If you have questions about your case, our firm may have the answers you are looking for. Get the knowledge and skill of a firm that has over 25 years of legal experience on your side!
Your consultation is just a phone call away. Dial (412) 563-5000 today for personalized counsel as you navigate this difficult season.

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