Protection from Abuse
Protecting Victims of Domestic Violence
A protection from abuse order is a court order that provides protection to an individual from physical harm by a family or household member, sexual or intimate partner, or a person with whom they had a child, whether married or not. This court order is used in domestic violence cases.
If you or someone you know needs legal assistance in obtaining protection from abuse, it is critical that you contact the , the Pittsburgh domestic abuse lawyers at the Rosen Family Law Group as soon as possible. Our firm is dedicated to helping individuals involved in domestic violence cases and we will do everything within our power to ensure that you are protected from both abuse and wrongful abuse claims, under Pennsylvania la. As a law firm dedicated exclusively to the practice of family law, we possess extensive knowledge about all aspects of family law matters, including protection from abuse.
Defining Domestic Violence in Pittsburgh
Pennsylvania law generally provides for a PFA where the victim has a reasonable fear for his or her physical safety due to the actions or statements of the other party. Emotional abuse is not grounds for a PFA. The victim files for a temporary PFA in a hearing that does not involve the other party. If the temporary PFA is granted, the court will also schedule a date and time for a final hearing on the PFA. Both parties (and their attorneys) are present at the final PFA hearing, which is a trial to determine whether the alleged victim has a reasonable fear for her or his safety. A final PFA can be granted for up to 3 years. Most PFA cases are resolved by agreement, but trial is always a possibility as well.
A PFA can have major consequences for both parties. The defendant in a temporary PFA must vacate the residence if they share it with the other party, often on short notice. Custody may also be granted in a temporary PFA. While a PFA is a civil matter, the violation of a PFA can become a criminal matter. A PFA can also be used as evidence in a custody trial, even if the PFA only involves adults. Many PFA’s are legitimate, necessary orders that are required for the protection of the victims. However, some people misuse the PFA process to eject the other party from the home or to obtain full custody or to obtain leverage. We have extensive experience handling PFA’s for both victims and the accused.
No matter what the circumstances surrounding your case, abuse is an extremely serious issue, and it should be handled seriously. At the Law Offices of Avram Y. Rosen, we care about your happiness, health, and future.
Call us today and get a strong advocate on your side, upholding your rights!

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